First Trimester Moms

The first Trimester is the (0 – 12 weeks) in which the body undergoes many changes, many of these changes may be uncomfortable, these lessen as pregnancy progresses. To ensure a healthy pregnancy prenatal care is of utmost importance, through it the health of both mother and baby can be monitored throughout pregnancy. The first visit should be scheduled as soon as pregnancy is confirmed; ample time should be set aside for the first visit because the family physician, obstetrician or nurse mid-wife, whoever is the health care provider will have lots of things to discuss. Both partners should be present at the first visit.

The basic things that will be discussed during the first visit are as follows:

Medical History The health care provider will ascertain the following
medical aspects which could influence the pregnancy.

• Details about the menstrual cycle.
• Use of Contraceptives.
• Allergies or other medical conditions.
• Past pregnancies.
• Prescription or Over-the-counter medicines that have been used or are being used.
• Details about family history of congenital abnormalities.
• Family history of genetic diseases.

All this important information should be accurate, so that the health care provider can provide the best care. If there are any things that are not to be shared with the partner, the health care provider should be informed privately.

DUE DATE: The babies’ growth can be accurately monitored if the health care provider has been provided with the exact date, if there is any doubt it can be ascertained through ultra sound.

PHYSICAL EXAM: The health care provider will check the height, weight and blood pressure, check the heart and assess the overall health. The vagina and cervix will be examined for any defects and abnormalities. A Pap test may be conducted for cervical cancer. The size of the uterus and shape of cervix also determines the stage of pregnancy.

LAB TESTS: Blood tests will be conducted for the determination of blood group including Rh factor. Blood tests can also reveal whether a person has had measles, syphilis, rubella or Hepatitis B.A test for HIV, the virus that causes AIDs and a test for chicken pox and Toxoplasmosis immunity may also be done. Urinanalysis will be conducted to ensure there is no bladder or kidney infection. It can also determine if diabetes or kidney disease is present.

LIFESTYLE ISSUES: The health care provider will discuss the importance of nutrition, prenatal vitamins, exercise and other lifestyle issues.

The work environment will also be discussed. The health care provider should suggest ways to quit smoking. Screening Tests for Fetal Abnormalities The health provider may offer ultra sound tests, blood tests or other screening tests to detect fetal abnormalities. Subsequent visits in the First Trimester After the first visit in the first trimester, subsequent visits are scheduled after every four or six weeks, these are shorter and the health care provider examines weight and blood pressure, any signs or symptoms are also discussed with the health care provider, any questions or concerns are also discussed. The health care provider should be available even between appointments, so that peace of mind which is of utmost importance is not disturbed.


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